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Cultivating Creativity: Digging Deeper to Understand Your Brand's Context

by Cassidy Day July 23, 2024

When it comes to design, it’s all too easy to focus on the end product. “We need a new logo,” you might say, or “We need a different presentation template.” Sure, these requests are valid, but they might not address the root of your challenges. To truly harness the power of design, we need to dig deeper and consider the all-important context.

Understanding Context in Design

Context can be a multifaceted concept. It includes physical context (like the time of day or location), social context (your audience and their preferences), and cultural context (societal norms and trends). By factoring in these elements, design evolves from mere decoration to a medium that sparks meaningful conversations. When designers approach their work with proper context, they blend form and function seamlessly, infusing creativity into every project.

Design Beyond the Obvious

Let’s take gardening as an analogy. Most gardeners might not see themselves as designers, but in reality, they are tackling a complex design challenge. Before you plant anything, you need to assess your garden’s context:

  • Sun Exposure: How much sunlight does your garden receive? 
  • Native Plants: Which plants are indigenous to your area and will thrive in this setting?
  • Neighborhood Vibes: Do you want your garden to blend in or stand out from your neighbors’ gardens?

Answering these questions ensures that your garden is beautiful, sustainable, and enjoyable for everyone.

Bringing It Back to Branding

At One North, we might not design these types of landscapes, but we certainly understand the importance of context in all our projects. Whether we’re working on a new brand identity, an event campaign, or any visual branding endeavor, we start by considering the contextual landscape and the user experience. This can involve:

  • Visual Exercises: Collaborating with our clients to envision how the brand should show up in the world.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyzing competitors to decide how to stand out or blend in optimally.
  • Stakeholder or User Interviews: Conversations with the people who know the DNA of your brand best to identify goals and pain points.
  • Site Visits: Assessing your physical environment to gather inspiration and identify opportunities for branded touch points to create maximum impact.
  • Brand Audits: Examining current branded materials to analyze what is or isn’t working.

The Bigger Picture

Focusing solely on the output means we’re only scratching the surface of design’s potential. By stepping back and observing how design interacts with its larger context, we can create experiences that go beyond the visual and resonate deeply with our audiences.

At One North, we’re not just about delivering what you ask for; we’re here to understand the full picture, your objectives, and your industry. By doing so, we ensure that our solutions aren’t just beautiful—they’re optimally suited to your needs and aspirations.

Illustration Credit: Cassidy Day

Cassidy Day
Design Lead

As Design Lead, Cassidy works on a variety of projects across our client portfolio. Her skills and interests are always evolving, but her constant is a passion for community and human-centered design. Cassidy’s experience amplifying brands through event design, environmental design, and campaign work allows her to apply her unique perspective and love for details across all mediums to ensure a consistent story for our partners.